1. Agents life insurance: the organization, Vietnamese citizens are insurance companies authorized on the basis of the insurance agent to make the provision of insurance products by life companies in Vietnam .
2. Buyer insurance: the organizations and individuals currently reside in Vietnam, aged 18 and over, have the capacity for civil acts in full, the declaration and sign the record required insurance and submit the insurance premium.
3. Person insurance is a personal residence is Vietnam, business insurance, insurance accepted by the insurance.
4. Beneficiaries: the organizations and individuals are buying the insurance assigned to receive insurance benefits as stipulated by the insurance.
5. Benefits may be covered: the relationship between the buyer and the insurance coverage, in which the risk of the insured loss will cause financial or spiritual side to buy insurance.
Buyer has insurance benefits may be insured for the following people:
Itself buyer insurance;
Spouse, child, father, mother of the buyer of insurance;
Bowel brothers and sisters, who are feeding us / legal guardian;
You direct us buyer's premium;
Another buyer if insurance suffered a financial loss when the actual coverage death.
6. Insurance premium is a sum of money to buy the insurance filing for business insurance coverage for the period and how do the parties agreed in the contract of insurance.
7. The amount of insurance is a face value of insurance is the purchase of insurance and business insurance agreement in the contract of insurance.
8. Injury and the entire permanent: as the coverage is lost or completely specified and can restore the functions of:
Two hands, or
Legs, or
One hand and a leg, or
Two eyes, or
One hand and one eye, or
One leg and one eye.
In this concept, your hands from the wrist upwards; blanket from my ankle up, completely lost and can not restore the functions of the eye is lost or completely blind.
9. Profile required insurance: registration form is purchased by insurance companies issuing insurance. Insurance buyer is obliged to complete, honest records to insurance requirements. Profile required insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.
10. Certificates life insurance is a written confirmation by the insurance business of insurance issued, listed the benefits of insurance of the insured. Certificate of life insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.
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11. Terms of the contract of insurance is a legal document by the Ministry of Finance approval, listed in detail rights and obligations of the buyer's insurance and business insurance. Rules terms of insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.
12. Phiếu illustrate benefits insurance: is illustrative of the benefits of insurance is before drafting a contract of insurance are assessed, signed and issued. This method is useful to explain to customers about the important figures related to the insurance that the customer order to join such as the amount of insurance, insurance, security and even Cumulative value is again ...
13. Periodically submit insurance is a period between two times due to submit insurance period. Periodic filing fee can be:
Monthly, or
Every 3 months (quarter), or
Every 6 months (half year), or
14. The time limit is a period of insurance companies accept insurance as the insurance buyer submit full insurance as stipulated by the insurance.
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