Mar 31, 2009

Life insurance is an important tool for business

Talking to life insurance, usually people understand is that the insurance to protect benefits for individuals. Indeed, life insurance, also known as an important tool for enterprises through the type of popular insurance as insurance for a key, credit insurance, insurance for people slide. Whether a business or a large business must face the problem of. Below refers to the use of life insurance as a solution to some problem.

The owner of a shop devoted all life to build and re-invest most profits and loan funds from a bank to invest in the business. All his work can be meaningless if the business is not valuable to his home. Talented business he helped to develop shops and wife but he can not be maintained if such shops, he may die. Life insurance help for people inherit received the results from work by him.

Two young people open a store selling medicine and has developed it successfully through the comments feed. A death is sudden and the other to work with is wife inheritance. So he must do almost everything but only get half the results of their work out. When an agreement of sale-purchase life insurance to the amount of business will help resolve the dilemma this.

A company limited liability can fall into such a situation, the other is not only a legal solution to the death of a shareholder partners. Once again, agreed to buy back shares by the life insurance can solve this problem.

In any organization, there are people who have key roles for the success of it. That person can be an engineering laboratory, can be a director of sales, also is manager of the company. The company will be serious loss if these people lose.

Can be effective because of the reduction will react, or reduce credit sales or falling down. Life insurance for the life of these people can be created to reduce the shock of the death of their cause. Companies to participate in the retirement insurance for employees.

In business, life insurance really can be useful when both the living and dead. Many cases an organization overcome the time constraints because of the life insurance of directors can ensure very good for a loan from the bank. Moreover, life insurance role increasingly important to expand the retirement rules for workers, helps business owners attract and retain talent.

Thus, an agents life insurance is good training will not only consider life insurance as a means of protection for individuals and families but that it has important contribution to the system enterprises in the economic development of the country. If you understand the importance of life insurance enterprises, agents, life insurance will have more opportunities to serve customers and hence can enhance income for yourself.

Life insurance is not only essential for individuals but also the important tool to protect business operations of enterprises.

Mar 25, 2009

Asset Protection - Recipes Insurance

U.S. insurance is also a good way to be used in the purpose of protecting property, but if not master the secrets of the insurance will not achieve results as you like and may also not be protected anything.

In principle there are three insurance ability to protect assets before compensation is integral when petitioned, insurance to replace the temple for the property when disaster such as fire, flood error, and after all life insurance is a method of creating an asset protection for the body when you die. Using insurance as an important factor in any plan to protect assets, but should consider buying insurance to carefully avoid the protection is not necessary that attention to the danger bulky entrepreneurship in life. What to remember Although insurance is important, but never depend entirely on insurance to consider is the protection of unique, but combination with other methods. Here are details on the types of insurance.

The property is the need to protect properly, we must first buy "home insurance" (homeowner insurance) includes some examples of different "houses" (dwelling) protection architecture of the house, private garage or subarchitecture called "architecture other" (other structure), while "personal property" (personal property) only for objects in the house. There are types of insurance include "all damages" (all loss) but also have insurance only for a specified disaster, of course, depends on the owner to buy more or buy less. Should therefore be careful that the danger is greatest and do not regret because money is not the place to households and miss remorse after disaster, for example in California do not buy insurance and earthquake in Florida or not to buy insurance and the storm. Emphasis should also buy insurance to read the contract (policy) to master what is covered and how to limit how much, what are the exception not because this is often in the line of text is very small for small to mind.

Now the people are not home and still buy the "insurance people rent (renter insurance) because of course the owner does not have responsibility about the personal property leased by the face of disaster as the fire that must Ganh take. If you have expensive personal property such as price jewelery you Sincerely, rare chemical product or other valuable then you should buy "insurance assets listed (listed property). Vehicle laws of the state must have "car insurance" (automobile insurance) as well as other cars similar, and also the price protection "integral" (liability) for compensation for damage caused for others and protection "crash" (collision) to repair or replace your car if you have any control nát kitchen equipment, not including the many types of cover vary according to which the insurance charge . There is also a type of insurance called integral "even cover" (umbrella) for the large loss rate exceeds normal insurance, eg a contract with limited compensation is $ 500,000 and that's up people to $ 1.5 million, if the plaintiff to $ 1 million, the insurance only paid $ 500,000 advance, the remainder owner must bear; conversely if "even the" natural insurance Ganh must end.

In many states life insurance have the protection of the property that the funding (creditors) are not to be touched even "value fund (cash value) can be drawn. However, the best is to learn in his state apply the laws and restrictions is to prevent as many households as there are many state exemption for very little. In many cases life insurance is settled under the management of a credit entry (trust) or another member in the family should completely escape the hands of the creditors and are not affected by state law however, the level and types of protection insurance and credit entries have many differences.

Death is the biggest risk in families especially those who have many relatives are based financial nương. In addition to the transfer of significant assets to relatives so they are more careful life insurance to help these people due to troubles before the procedure to protect the property complex. Want to use life insurance as property protected category, it must buy "life insurance (whole life insurance) instead of buying" insurance period "(term life insurance) are not worth the metal.

Sovereignty a contractual life insurance outside the employer may delegate to another person if the trust. If state law to protect a limited owner is sure that amount is safe, but once the people take the creditors are also not to quiet easily! Therefore constitute the wife or husband of course no one is doing what and who can supply more cash when needed. However this also is not a perfect solution for example, then the spouse or divorced than the distribution petitioned for causing the accident on the User must necessarily compensation injury. If the Committee for the third party such as children or inheritance, the combination of family, or credit item, the books will have benefits as well as defects should decide who to entrust entirely on trust wall and trusted by people for this community.

Health insurance (health insurance) to the need to protect assets from wastage targets because medical expenses when working in the disease. When healthy it is the first to manufacture for themselves and for relatives when they located a hospital or in the raising of the long-term costs will amount to giant stars from the mountain xiet is whether any of the sập , more than delay any such carrier to sell insurance or patients infected profile deaths.

Running costs of treating patients can be up to unlimited amount of the purchase of health insurance that I need not have. Regular working people can buy companies at work insurance covered all the family, to use one of two types are in an HMO (the word stands for Health Maintenance Organizations) when illness is indicated to physician and hospital organizations, the money to pay each of which, is also another PPO (the word stands for Preferred Provider Organizations) have the right to choose any physician or hospital in the network of the PPO medical doctor or other but close to first and money (deductible) higher. On the elderly 65 years old can apply for the federal government eligible for Medicare include two parts, Part A for hospital and Part B to your doctor. Top Part A is free, but later have to pay Part B premium each month. However, Medicare is only limited, with many items must be self-sufficient so need to buy extra insurance to Medicare Supplement to the items that Medicare does not pay.

The gaffer, disability or any details need to be "insured long-term care (long-term care insurance) needs to help foster needed goods such as bathroom cleaning, for food or help move traveling or care at home or in hospital (nursing home). The cost is not health insurance should include cover for the front to back to this property are not targets for wastage costs this expensive.

Planning "insurance disabilities (disability insurance) and no less important in the protection of property when a disaster is to never to once. Never expected to grant Social Security (Social Security) because conditions gắt gao very difficult to get, more money is very little support is not significant. The same health insurance, insurance, disabilities usually can be purchased in the workplace or purchased from insurance commercial advertising market.

As usual writer would confirm the contents of the article series to learn this law only uses the character information (information) to help your readers some general knowledge of basic legal Flowers period only and can not be considered to contact lawyers with clients (attorney-client relationship). So if issues related to law, if readers still need to discuss with a lawyer expert in the case of you.

Mar 23, 2009

Health insurance companies which have many defects Print E-mail

WASHINGTON - The U.S. economy or system of health care in the United States now, mainly based on the insurance plan by the employer from providers that have many defects, as it is about limit the efficiency of service health care, to make people not be covered if there are no jobs; addition, a system of insurance so the often too expensive.

Up to 63% the American people have not entered the age of seniors is to buy health insurance at the base of their own because they are a worker or spouse is in it. But the majority of the American seniors Medicare coverage, and those who get to enter the low Medicaid (in California called Medi-Cal).

But still a large number of people - 17% people in the older age, ie 45 million people - have no health insurance at all.

Mr. Alain Enthoven, professor of public administration and private Ðại Learning in Stanford, speech, "A system of health insurance based on work certainly has many shortcomings."

First, as Mr. Enthoven, owner of the company certainly is not the people working in the health sector. They use health insurance to all of the other objectives of the company, not to contribute to the health system.

In addition, the system of insurance based on employment also led to the failure of the labor market. Mrs. Brigitte Madrian, economic and Warton School Learning under Ðại Pennsylvania, said the conference in Chatham, Massachusetts, that "health insurance is one of the factors to decide who we have to work or not."

Insurance system based on the work also encourages the owners hire less workers full time, mainly hire workers part time to start to provide benefits on health. As a result, the workers were put to do the job that they do not employ specialists. "

Mr. Henry Farber, economics professor at Princeton University, said a more specific, lack of health insurance for those who practice freedom that is as spiritual damage business xoc vác people in them. "

However, the American people do not like a health system in our government funded the same as Canada, because it means raising taxes on very high. And more, the system of insurance based on the workplace is also a benefit is provided by a large number of customers, the owners have the power while negotiator with insurers on insurance coverage to pay . In the past this time, we have not found a solution to adapt to the medical care in the United States before state medical expenses each time a skyrocketing in recent years. (DP)

Home loan insurance (Private Mortgage Insurance - PMI ") Print E-mail

One of the insurance that home buyers to purchase houses for their loans through the bank, known as Hazard Insurance, commonly known as Fire Insurance. Hazard Insurance In addition, there is a another type of insurance, insurance for their debt by borrowing to buy a home with your house down when under 20%. The word expert called Mortgage Insurance, abbreviated as MI, also called Private Mortgage Insurance, PMI is the acronym.

With the customer to borrow money to buy houses, houses used to secure debt for less than they relieve, but can be reduced or damaged hao devaluate easily. Therefore, those who buy a home that Down less than 20%, with the people to borrow money to purchase insurance for their debt. In case a loan default (default), the insurer will indemnify. However, with the President must still collect and sell the house before, only insurance compensation classification La only. The big insurers are selling PMI Mortgage guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC), Triad guaranty Insurance Corporation, Radian guaranty Incorporated, GE Mortgage Insurance Corporation, United guaranty Insurance Corporation, and Republic Mortgage Insurance Corporation ... When people buy a home Down less than 10%, in addition to the PMI must be purchased, but the loan must close with the previous 6 months rent (Property Tax), 2-month money and Fire Insurance PMI 2. This amount is kept in a separate fund, known as Escrow Account. This amount will be refunded when the loan is exempt from paying PMI. And if one of the things like rent or insurance money increase, the loan will be more money to close the Escrow Account. So why have Escrow Account? The tape that the Down Payment is less opportunity to fail a lot, so the amount in Escrow Account is used to pay the "giùm" if people want to pay 3 months in late continuous (as with the President and only sold to the 4th if you do not receive the money only).

Because PMI is a significant amount of money that people borrow money to pay (can be from $ 80 to $ 150 per month), should have a few home with a program heard attractions, such as: "Down 10% - No PMI. There are actually down 20% below that PMI does not buy from? In fact this is only one way only say, a career in this program called the "Self-Insured" means the loans bear a higher cost for PMI is always money, is not no need for PMI .

However there are also a way we can copy that guideline called NO PMI loan is 2 set it at a time. The first loan is 80% of the cost, the second loan is the amount difference between the price, debt and money Down (this is how Down borrow more money with a bank), so we can say is Down 20% and be free of PMI.

Generally people borrow money to buy houses have questions about PMI insurance as follows: 1. PMI to buy Fire Insurance as feedback or just buy a year on loan only? - In principle, a loan, right from the start had to buy PMI, the purchase must forever until pay cut debt. But most of the houses in the same copy for our clients, to review the PMI removed.

2. So when can dress for the PMI? - There are many cases of people borrowing money after about 2 years to pay and the regular due date, the loan has been as good Credit for the tape, it can get for free is PMI. This simply written a letter requested by the review only. But this only a few houses with easy to accept.

- In case the second is that the number of remaining debt of their (Principal Balance) compared with the value of existing houses (Market Value) equal to or less than 80%, it would also free with the PMI to be. In this case, the loan must evaluate a house (Appraisal Report) to send the tape for review.

But not the tape is so easy. If PMI would not be free, then the convenience is low, may re-financing (Refinance) from PMI to also pay the lower.

Someone want to calculate, consider more cases must be PMI, the question is:

3. PMI should be purchased separately, or obtain more convenient to always include PMI (Self-Insured)?

- The answer is simple: If you buy individual PMI, then after a time, a loan can have an opportunity to apply for exemption with the PMI, the money is a higher cost to the PMI, called "Self - Insured ", it never would conveniently lower down unless re-financing. But choose to do by the communicative and calculation of each individual. Someone want to pay more for the tape to such tax, then the PMI is always advisable. Or Self-Insured may be booted Escrow Account; Qualified If not, you should choose to buy PMI instead choose Self-Insured with an higher, or want to keep the house long term or not, etc. .. Short, not always blindly purchase PMI, but each case varies by each individual to choose to buy or PMI is Self Insured and should discuss with professional real estate experience, the money will not be waste.

Using Life Insurance To Protect Asset Print E-mail

The country has many insurers launch a series of ads to buy life insurance as a use strategies to protect assets set goals broker merchant access to Fund (Account Receiveable) the loan accept to pay protection fees.

Generally the staff representatives to sell insurance is not a lawyer nor the law school they should not have some knowledge of law and Loan Lending (Debtor-creditor law) or experienced reap the case links system of protected assets had treatment in court. Yes insurance companies teachings items for advertising and blowing reward consequences of poundage whenever a sale contract, the staff this ardent launch an insurance product is the hot invite merchant purchase of life insurance with the value of fund (Cash Value) is quite large by mortgage funds access to Make Loan Payment Fee (Premium Financing.)

To sell insurance has high commission insurer not scrupulous enough in any way give many benefits of strategies borrowed funds access that most applied in practice does not bring results as promised . Most of the staff representatives as well as the right of insurance companies are not able đáo explicit guidelines transition property for the legitimate scope of legislation to protect property. Therefore the sale of insurance company's training and then they in turn transmit a message to our customers with complete understanding wrong by basic laws to protect property after making this brought many problems for customers to buy insurance. Such principles apply "Plan Borrowing Phân Export Revenue Fund" (Account Receiveable factoring Programs referred to as ARFCs) loan to pay fees to buy life insurance purposes as protecting assets how?

Long method Borrowing Fund access was simply more merchants expert in the application of more benefit to their business. Enter the Access Fund is a fund accounting sum of money goods or services sold to customers and bill (bill) but have not received the customer's true, for example phone companies to send bill Clients have due date (due date) or a wholesale delivery was accompanied by the invoices sent to customers to pay. Of course records on the Fund have access to the value of total amount penetrate as other properties of the company's actual funds but does not have cash to use. Said another way, the value of capital throw (Equity) Fund only access is "dead money" or "money superfluous" because only "language" (the amount on records) but no "pieces" (It ) should really "cost" of funds that are not used to produce or be of benefit.

So some merchants have brain think of smart ways to negotiate with banks for a bank credit (Line Of Credit) similar Credit Card Guarantee Is (Secured Credit) but it does the value of Access Fund as mortgage. When the bank was approved for open account with a bank account that, when companies need to spend money or operating the business can always withdraw money "real" time is not free of excess limit. Of course the bank enjoys this type of lending because they receive interest at the same time not afraid of the risk of loss for the Fund is held as a pledge to ensure if necessary seize no problems.

Similar principles used simple methods to fund access to mortgage loans as the borrowing method Phân Export Revenue Fund ARFC also applied the same basis but instead of lending the company sold access to Fund a value lower than the bank account to be used. For example, a company subject to sale of access to fund 80% of the value exchange accounting fund for the wrong part and 20% of money is called "discount" (discount.)

Now you to Life Insurance, though not what format to access the Fund, but many insurers are often long ad for a loan to buy the kind of big insurance. many people want to buy the contract value fund (cash value) to high tens of millions and above the premium each month depending on age but not a small amount. Instead of paying fees to cash in "live" the insurance contract for a loan called "Financing insurance coverage" (Premium Financing) to get the assets in mortgage rates as either "dead assets." Di many insurance companies will never fear for debt losses are guaranteed by the value of the contract or the value of mortgage. Plan "Financing insurance coverage" be considered as a means of protection for property that is used to prevent creditors do not get the summary by the plaintiff because the property value was used for mortgage debt insurance coverage should not be xiet, but the insurance only paid when the owner of the death is not what creditors are waiting.

On the other hand ARFP plans to use funds as income for mortgage "Financing insurance coverage" instead of using other properties for this fund is very good goal that creditors xiet most easily. Fund to sell access for employers sponsored by insurance company owner is a way to use "dead assets" to buy life insurance just a student that has been tax-free. So ARFP used as a means of protecting assets "conversion" means a product made vulnerable creditors get summary (not to the money) and a variable property that creditors are not to be touched ( money life insurance.)

Although the value of fund (cash value) of life insurance is state law protection but in many other states are not valid. It is more blameworthy employees sell insurance not actually say the client makes this event then the client may have trouble because of transfer of assets illegally. Now more representative of the insurance will not know that at the states have laws protecting creditors still have the right to appeal if the referendum by the Fund have access to insurance is a form of hindering, delaying mended or fraud.

In the state where ARFP đắc be used as often in collaboration with programs such as ERISA retirement plan but the general kind of regular high-level plan requires specialized structure is sophisticated outside the capabilities of employees and the plan ARFP.

A limited background are found not only dispense ARFP value fund access but not present to protect the future value after application. Moreover the elements of access to the Fund buying insurance is not tax money and fund the life insurance is to be out of money after tax (post-tax) should be listed IRS to tax abuse. Therefore before using ARFP should consult with a lawyer specialized in tax for certainly valid.

Through the analysis on our comment ARFP plan applied separately will not achieve the desired results. Conversely, if the will đắc ARFP used as a strengthening program in a plan to protect the entire property with the goal completely cover all aspects of trade, inheritance, tax code and protect property.

As usual writer would confirm the contents of the article series to learn this law only uses the character information (information) to help your readers some general knowledge of basic legal Flowers period only and can not be considered to contact lawyers with clients (Attorney-Client Relationship.) So if there is a problem related to law, if readers still need to discuss with a lawyer expert on with you.

If necessary refer to individual contact with Attorney lyly Nguyen office at 16480 Harbor Blvd, Suite 101, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, Phone: (714) 531-7080 - Fax: (714) 531-7082 .

Life Insurance ACE (ACE Life)

After more than three years into operation, Co. Life Insurance ACE (ACE Life) has become one of the life insurance first in Vietnam on company reputation, product quality, quality of services and quality human services that bring to customer service. ACE Life is proud to have built the human resources is the 100% who work under the international standards, and training a team of more than 4800 representatives of business professionals in the country.

Continuously for more than 3 years, ACE Life is always to reach the record growth, contributing to important bring sunshine to market life insurance (BHNT) Vietnam and shape how business BHNT professional and Results. In six months in 2008, ACE Life continues to reach the highest growth market, with sales reaching 231% over the same period in 2007.

Insurance products linked general financial planning Lifetime (Universal Life) by ACE Life first introduced to Vietnam on 03/03/2006 with benefits "universal" and "superiority" are to receive very strong and has become the focal point of the market BHNT Vietnam. On 03/03/2008, ACE Life introduced "excellent benefits" based on the diverse product lines and "Financial Planning Lifetime" to meet the needs of increasingly diverse customer. On 08/08/2008, ACE Life introduced "Financial Planning Lifetime - seniors benefits" for customers aged from 71 to 80, a product the first time in the Vietnamese market BHNT Nam.

Along with the birth of the "benefits seniors, ACE Life has become the company BHNT first in Vietnam to provide BHNT products for customers of all ages from 0 to 80. Today more than 96% of customers participate ACE Life product lines insurance link them "financial planning Lifetime."

Besides the performance impressed through channels Business Representative, ACE Life is a positive development channel Insurance Links Bank (Bancassurance) with the goal of creating products and services meet the new maximum needs to be protected by the customers to participate in financial products in the bank. Bancassurance products by ACE Life is expected to be "the village" as soon as.

To ACE Life, members of a group insurance prestigious leader ACE, you can relieve yourself that is protected with security products that match their needs and financial capabilities of you and provide the best services at ACE Life.

Whether you are preparing plans for the future financing of your family, or you want to join a group of successful solution for you to start from here.

Further information about ACE Group and ACE Life Vietnam

Co., Life Insurance ACE (ACE Life) is a member of the ACE Group, one of the Group Insurance leader, parent company ACE Limited is headquartered in Switzerland are two financial institutions list the Standard & Poor's and AM Best evaluate the availability of funds ranked A +. This is just important to find potential strong capital and financial stability of ACE, the important attributes of risk management.

ACE Group provides insurance and re-insurance and financial services to customers worldwide. There are more than 16,000 employees serving customers in 140 countries and member companies in over 50 countries.

With the acquisition of insurance companies in North America (INA) - Company insurance first U.S., established in 1792 - ACE to become a corporation with hundreds of years of experience in the insurance requirements.

In Vietnam, through the INA, ACE has been since 1996 to market research, building strategies and activities proud actively support the development of insurance in Vietnam as well as the implementation of social activities and community.

On 21/06/2005, the visit history of the Prime Minister of Vietnam to the United States, ACE Life honor of the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Vietnam officially granted license for Business of Life Insurance in Vietnam.

Mar 18, 2009

Terms Life Insurance

1. Agents life insurance: the organization, Vietnamese citizens are insurance companies authorized on the basis of the insurance agent to make the provision of insurance products by life companies in Vietnam .

2. Buyer insurance: the organizations and individuals currently reside in Vietnam, aged 18 and over, have the capacity for civil acts in full, the declaration and sign the record required insurance and submit the insurance premium.

3. Person insurance is a personal residence is Vietnam, business insurance, insurance accepted by the insurance.

4. Beneficiaries: the organizations and individuals are buying the insurance assigned to receive insurance benefits as stipulated by the insurance.

5. Benefits may be covered: the relationship between the buyer and the insurance coverage, in which the risk of the insured loss will cause financial or spiritual side to buy insurance.

Buyer has insurance benefits may be insured for the following people:

Itself buyer insurance;

Spouse, child, father, mother of the buyer of insurance;

Bowel brothers and sisters, who are feeding us / legal guardian;

You direct us buyer's premium;

Another buyer if insurance suffered a financial loss when the actual coverage death.

6. Insurance premium is a sum of money to buy the insurance filing for business insurance coverage for the period and how do the parties agreed in the contract of insurance.

7. The amount of insurance is a face value of insurance is the purchase of insurance and business insurance agreement in the contract of insurance.

8. Injury and the entire permanent: as the coverage is lost or completely specified and can restore the functions of:

Two hands, or

Legs, or

One hand and a leg, or

Two eyes, or

One hand and one eye, or

One leg and one eye.

In this concept, your hands from the wrist upwards; blanket from my ankle up, completely lost and can not restore the functions of the eye is lost or completely blind.

9. Profile required insurance: registration form is purchased by insurance companies issuing insurance. Insurance buyer is obliged to complete, honest records to insurance requirements. Profile required insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.

10. Certificates life insurance is a written confirmation by the insurance business of insurance issued, listed the benefits of insurance of the insured. Certificate of life insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.

Top of page

11. Terms of the contract of insurance is a legal document by the Ministry of Finance approval, listed in detail rights and obligations of the buyer's insurance and business insurance. Rules terms of insurance is a part of separate contract life insurance.

12. Phiếu illustrate benefits insurance: is illustrative of the benefits of insurance is before drafting a contract of insurance are assessed, signed and issued. This method is useful to explain to customers about the important figures related to the insurance that the customer order to join such as the amount of insurance, insurance, security and even Cumulative value is again ...

13. Periodically submit insurance is a period between two times due to submit insurance period. Periodic filing fee can be:

Monthly, or

Every 3 months (quarter), or

Every 6 months (half year), or


14. The time limit is a period of insurance companies accept insurance as the insurance buyer submit full insurance as stipulated by the insurance.

Mar 16, 2009

Life insurance match for you and your Family?

Have many discussions about life insurance than regular life insurance for life for many years, but hard to say which type is better type. Here is some information to help you understand the difference between the two types of insurance.

Why is Life Insurance ?
Life insurance has periodically of the importance of it. If you have children or not have much cash, life insurance period can be a temporary solution is ideal to help protect yourself and family. If you must choose between no life insurance with anything the insurance exam life insurance period may be a choice best.

Life insurance is a regular on the insurance needs increase in a certain time and then decrease, such as the family grows. In addition, life insurance period are considered effective methods to help substitute for life insurance for life in the years necessary, for example, when family and financial responsibility to overcome other income .

In those cases, the life insurance to help get the cash compensation insurance without causing disorder family budget. Moreover, the amount of insurance can be converted (the insured may convert a contract of life insurance equivalent to life without proven health status), you can buy life insurance periodically necessary today ... and still have the ability to transition through life insurance for life in the future. Of this, life insurance periodically to meet the needs worthwhile.

Charges actual Life Insurance Dinh Ky
However, life insurance periodically have its defects. It is not appropriate for everyone or all circumstances. In the defects, it should be noted some points below:

* You must die new "winning". This may not hear very tuneful, but it is true. Life insurance to pay only the compensation insurance in a certain time. When the insurance period expires you will no more compensation money. And if you do not pay the premium, the cash compensation will also not valid. Only so simple.
* For example, you buy $ 500,000 insurance on a regular basis for 10 years and the contract will expire in the middle of the night this 31 months 12. If you die in 11 hours 59 minutes to 31, the 12 families will receive the full amount of compensation is $ 500,000. But if you die at 12 hours 1 minute morning of 1 1 the family will not be entitled to anything because the contract has expired.
* Buy life insurance period is the same as when you hire. When you are home, you all right to use the house and pay rent in full and regular. Even if you rent a house there for 30 years, you still do not own anything from the house.
* There is a very remarkable that when the insurance period expires and the health status of the owner is not covered anymore. Many of the insurance period can be converted through life insurance, and the other is not. But if the insurance period expires before the conversion you must apply from the beginning. At this time, if the health status of your disapproved you will lose money compensation.
* Insurance coverage insurance period will increase by each re-term, long-term costs will increasingly become a burden. Many people buy insurance on them periodically at age 20, when the price is just right. But when they are age 40 to the cost becomes high, and will continue to increase. Until they are age 50 to the cost becomes too large for life insurance. Finally, when they are age 60, they put the contract - not because they do not need insurance but because they can not pay up anymore. Meanwhile, those who buy life insurance for life can pay the premium at a higher initial purchase of life insurance with the same period an amount of insurance. But when they age to 50 or 60 years, the amount is not such a change. That is why the shift in the period is very important. And this feature exists only in a few years of the contract, and allow conversion through life insurance without having to prove health status. Conversion through life insurance to help "lock in" circulation must close and indemnity will never cancel the terms of the close of regular fees and in full.

Value of Life Insurance For Suốt
Life insurance is often life-long-term solution is best for many people. Here are some reasons why:

* For life insurance for life will be covered throughout the life provided that the premium must be paid. Only a few exceptions, if you are approved to buy insurance, the contract will not be canceled. Regardless of health status such as how money compensation insurance is in force.
* Although the premium initially quite high, but if you compare the length of time it is high again. Most contracts for life insurance are eligible to enjoy a share of money, money do not pass are guaranteed but if the company will announce.

Reference to Representative
Representative New York Life - experienced and the classes are trained professionals - can help you analyze your needs and make appropriate solutions through insurance products and financial. Click here to have discussions with representatives in New York Life provinces.

The offering documents (policies, contracts) for all New York Life and its subsidiaries products are available only in English. In the event of a dispute, the provision in the policies and contracts will prevail.
Documents (rules, contracts) and products by New York Life and branches of New York Life provided only in English. In case of dispute, the terms in the rules and used the official.

Mar 15, 2009

6 It should know when buying Life Insurance first

1. Understand why Cần Buy Insurance
Most of all we need life insurance at a time in life, but never purchased insurance because hearing other people say it is a good idea. Life insurance is designed to give families a full financial security in case the wife or husband having to uncertainties, or when your parents have to uncertainties. Life insurance can help pay the house, money for college, money to help supplement retirement, leaving a property here is also another important factor in plan assets. In short, if you have a relative to their income, then you should think of life insurance. Even if you think you have no need now, you still should think of buying with a small amount as a starting point. Because, as the child life insurance as cheap.
2. Amount determined Insurance required
The amount that families or inherit will receive after your death is called the amount of insurance. To determine the amount of insurance need, you can use a computer on the network or New York Life network. After using the computer, you will get one guess yourself. Easy way to obtain the most amount of annual salary multiplied by the 8. Method in more detail as all the monthly charges which family you must pay after you meet uncertainties. Remember always to be public costs and consequences of spending such as the debt, and fees. Retrieved total monthly charges for that 0:07. This figure indicates that 7% of the money will be used to pay for monthly charges. Get that amount plus the costs need to pay once, you will estimate the amount of life insurance need. Yes you can measure the amount of life insurance may need to use the computer, but the machines that you can not. It can not give you an answer last. Computer only for your calculated "on the theory" but are based on the different data, the computer will give the different results. Should only use the computer to learn more about how to calculate the amount of life insurance products and other financial, however, you will feel more secure when you talk to a professional as representative by New York Life.

3. Please Choose a Type of Agreement Matches
Once the amount has been estimated for life insurance, should think of the kind which suit your needs. Today, life insurance becomes more diverse and plentiful, but they also have the 4 basic types of life that is periodic, life for life, full of life, and life have changed. One of 4 basic types will be appropriate to buy life insurance first.

Life Insurance Dinh Ky
Insurance period will only provide protection in a given period of time. The amount of insurance can be used to liquidate the debt and when you encounter the uncertainties. Life insurance regular insurance is less expensive and purely enjoy the amount of insurance. This agreement will not accumulate cash, and often do not receive a share.

Insurance period can be an ideal choice when you get the time needed insurance. This agreement can only protection needs exist only in a certain time, such as cash loan college loan or the money. Those aged 20 to 30 usually buy regular insurance and conversion through life insurance (Insurance Through reading For the bottom). Conversion rights for the period to ensure that they can convert any of the health status is.

New York Life has many types of insurance such as 5-year period, 10 years and 20 years.

Life Insurance For Suốt
Opposed to regular insurance, life insurance will protect you throughout life from start to purchase insurance to go, and of course with conditions to pay regularly. The difference is the second life insurance life accrue cash value. Form of a loan from the contract, you can use the cash value to the goals like money for the fund and additional money for retirement income. However, you must pay on borrowed money and borrowed money with the convenience will be deducted from the amount insured. Contract for life insurance guaranteed throughout the life of you, regardless of health status as when alive and of course must be closed to regular fees.

Contract for life insurance qualify to receive money pass. Pass money is money that a company drawn from surplus funds and for the owner. (Tiền pass may be used under many different methods such as cash received, or used to pay the premium monthly, or accrued to a receipt, or used to purchase additional life insurance prepaid full insurance coverage. Tiền pass does not guarantee.) Life insurance for life offer a lasting solution to the financial worries such as:
* Pay the debt: the amount of insurance can be used to pay debt and cut the debt in case you are having uncertainties
* Conservation of assets: life insurance for life can bring money to pay the cost of housing and help from having to sell assets or borrow money to pay expenses
* Pension Fund: cash value can be drawn through the method of loan terms, or to supplement retirement income. Loan amount will be deducted from the amount of insurance
* Money Charity: the life insurance for life can help you contribute to charitable funds that popular after death
* Business needs: life insurance for life can be a valuable benefit for managers and staff to ensure the future financial enterprises
New York Life provides the life insurance life diverse as Life Insurance Conversion (Modified Premium Whole Life), and Life Insurance For Life (Survivorship Whole Life).

Life insurance whole Năng
Life insurance to provide full protection for life and accumulated cash value should postpone tax basis. Life insurance with all the other life insurance points in life that you can choose the amount of insurance is suitable for families. With life insurance to all, you can increase or decrease the amount of insurance you need to change and can check the times of payment of fees. Contracts can be designed with additional terms to suit the lifestyle of each person.

Life Insurance Most variable
Life insurance has variable flexibility in the amount of closing costs, the life insurance life allows the owner to divide the premium into a variety of different investments, including fixed account. Life insurance usually multilateral provide insurance money on the basic income tax exemption, the cash value increases on the basis refunds, and can be withdrawn through the method of borrowing or withdrawing money, the This may reduce the amount of insurance. Loan amount and you'll be deducted from the amount insured. The amount drawn will also reduce the amount of insurance, cash value and may have to pay.

4. Evaluation capacity of the Company
Insurance contract is only good when a company has good support. You should look away from the company's release of the still existing in the future to serve and make the promise to pay insurance when needed. To help see the company is strong, the organization evaluates Financial capacity has ratings of insurance companies based on the quality of the gym, the quality of the method of investment, and financial cover. The ranking is considered as the independent evaluation of the ability to pay insurance compensation in time and financial obligations other. This is the core of a company life insurance. 4 organization capacity evaluation leading Financial: AM Best, Standard and Poors, Moody's and Fitch.

Each organization assessment based on criteria quite different. When looking at the ranking of a company will help you look on the general financial strength of that company. 4 Organization has ranked New York Life to the highest ranking.

5. Reference to Representative
Representative to bring an invaluable service. First, representatives help you analyze the factors that "people" and into items of insurance to help determine the amount of insurance need. The relationship between representative and client relationship is eternal. 2, the representative can help you update the amount the insurance needs change. They can also help guide decisions about finances, reduce a burden in life. Click here to have discussions with representatives New York Life.

6. Understand words expert
The discussions on insurance will include words such as cash value, insurance coverage, divided by money, insurance money, and more. To discuss a master, here's a short summary part of the terms used.
* Cash Value in life insurance for life, it means that the amount accrued on the
* A Division of Money: A surplus of the company divided by the owner of
* Support the Company: An insurance company has no stock or shareholders, as it is the owner. New York Life is a mutual company
* Insurance coverage in the insurance, the amount is limited to keep the contract value
If you have any questions about this article or product by New York Life? Please call toll free 1-877-NYL-VIET (1-877-695-8438) for a discussion with representatives New York Life.

The offering documents (policies, contracts) for all New York Life and its subsidiaries products are available only in English. In the event of a dispute, the provision in the policies and contracts will prevail.
Documents (rules, contracts) and products by New York Life and branches of New York Life provided only in English. In case of dispute, the terms in the rules and used the official.

Mar 13, 2009

Explanation of Insurance

Consider the theoretical aspects, the contract is an agreement between two or more parties, thereby showing the uniformity of the (also known as the "covenant") of the parties to the desired destination and achieve the legal effect of that set, change or terminate the rights and obligations binding on the parties in contractual relations. As part of the law by the parties in the contractual relations created in terms of theory, the terms stipulated in the contract must ensure the criteria: full, clear, unified, single meaning, easy understand the criteria "clearly" is most important. However, many of the existing practice does not always ensure the above criteria led to the parties no unified understanding of contract issues and explain the contract to dispute resolution in place. The purpose of the explanation is to clarify the meaning and scope of the contract or specific terms of the contract. Within this article and want to exchange with your readers about "explaining the insurance."

Insurance contracts in general and the life insurance in particular is regulated by Law Business insurance is a contract to join (also called the form). Characteristics are shown in that insurance business is the offer terms form (by the Ministry of Finance issued or approved) to customers consider acceptable answer in a reasonable time, if to agree to participate in insurance means to accept the entire contract under terms that form the insurance business has made. Therefore, in principle the purchase of insurance is not negotiations, agreement on the modification of the terms of insurance.

From the "vulnerable" in the purchase of insurance, the complexity and difficulty understanding the terms of insurance, especially term life insurance, and to avoid the insurance companies find ways to " put pressure "customer, Don Ho at the difficult choices as well as restrictions violate the principle" freedom of contract "in the transaction, the law has provisions on obligations by the appropriate insurance to protect the legitimate rights of the buyer of insurance as follows:

- Firstly, when the combination of insurance, business insurance, are responsible for providing full information relating to insurance contracts, obligations explained to the purchase of insurance conditions, terms insurance for the purchase of insurance ... "(Clause 1, Article 19 Law on insurance business).

- Monday, "in case the insurance contract terms are not clearly the terms that explain the benefits to buy insurance" (Article 21 Law on insurance business). "

Thus, according to the regulations on the obligation to explain the insurance before the insurance business (conducted directly or through agents) and explained this to the benefit for the purchase of insurance if the terms are not clear. When there are disputes between insurance companies and customers related to the regulation of contract terms, courts are obliged to clarifying the meaning and content of insurance and that priority will explain the benefit for more people to buy insurance and / or receive insurance benefits.

In this regard, Clause 2 of Article 406 of the Civil Code in 1995 and Clause 2 of Article 407 of the Civil Code of 2005 also stipulated "In case of form terms are unclear, the parties made the contract sample suffered disadvantage when explaining the terms. " This regulation is reasonable because the insurance business is the drafting of the contract, so in principle they are right at the same time are obliged to express terms of a clear, coherent body of people to the insurance or the benefit of insurance is the right to accept or reject all such terms (not participating insurance) which are not "haggle" anything.

However, the Law on insurance business only in the prescribed guidelines explain the insurance but not how to explain this agreement how. Therefore, when a dispute occurs, the interpretation of insurance must be pursuant to other provisions of law if, in principle, by applying the law, the delivery and implementation of insurance before all will be adjusted by the law of insurance business. If the law of insurance business not specified or referred to other applicable law (Civil Code and the regulations stipulated by the law are involved), the law will be applied (Article 12 paragraph 4 Law insurance business). In this case, Article 408 of the Civil Code in 1995 stipulates the method of explanation as follows:

1. When contract terms are not clearly not just based on words of the contract, but the basis of the of the parties to explain the terms.

2. When terms of a contract can be understood by many that it must choose which serves as the terms for making the most benefit for the parties.

3. When the words have to understand the many different means, it must explain the meaning most relevant to the nature of the contract.

4. When the contract terms or words difficult to understand, must be explained in conventional location of signing the contract.

5. When the lack of some articles not primarily content, it can supplement the practice for the type in which the location of signing the contract.

6. The terms in the contract must be explained in relationship to each other, so that the meaning of the terms that suit the entire contract. "

Article 409 of the Civil Code of 2005 also inherit the regulations on how to explain the contract at the 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 of Article 408 above. However, Article 409 of the Civil Code of 2005 was modified from "... missing some articles do not belong to the main ..." in paragraph 5 of Article 408 to "... missing some articles .. . and two new additional ways to resolve the following:

7. In case of conflict between the media of the parties from the language used in the agreement of the parties of the used to explain the contract.

8. In the case of the parties to the contract for any of the parties when the contract explained to the direction for the vulnerable. "

Clearly from the above rules, then the interpretation of the insurance benefit to purchase insurance when the terms are not clearly be placed in relationship to explain how the mentioned in civil law, not current is applied by accidentally, of the single.

Explanation of is not a new problem for countries in the world by Christ before the law and under the first code is set foundation for this activity. However, not law countries are different rules about how to explain the contract. According to the Ministry of French civil law, when appropriate in cases where the terms of the contract have not clearly must consider that the purpose of the parties signed (Article 1156). If the contract terms can be explained by two different ways, it must choose to explain what terms make the effective exclusion and to explain the terms as invalid (Article 1157). The case of a terms of agreement can be understood by two different means, it must explain the meaning most relevant to the content of the contract (Article 1158). Explained based on the customs, practices (Article 1159 and 1160). Explain the content of specific terms must be based on the content of contracts in general, because the terms of each specific contract may not conflict each other (Article 1161) and in cases where a suspect on the the terms of a contract, it must explain the terms that the benefit to the obligations (Article 1162).

According to the 1980 Vienna Convention, "and declared the handling of a party is explained as that of the other party if they know or may not know that mind. If there is no such purpose, the statement and hearing the other side is an explanation of the meaning that people have a reason, if that person is put in position by the other party in the same way also will understand this. And when you want to identify a party or do not understand how often people have a reason, it should be up to all relevant facts, including the negotiations, the fact that the parties had in their interactive system support their practices and behavior and then by the parties "(Article 8).

In Vietnam, around the issue by appropriate insurance, there are many different points of view including not at the point from the do not understand or intentionally do not understand how to explain the contract should make that the owners of their incited or those who buy insurance not knowledgeable in the field of law, petitions insurance business that take social stability, self insurance, the buyer also takes more time, money to pursue the case due to plaintiff. We mentioned a case as the following examples:

Nguyen Van T. Ms. Ngo Thi and K. The participation of life insurance 05 year time limit for yourself with the insurance money (STBH) stated in Appendix 1 - Section III of the contract insurance as follows:

+ STBH of the (insurance and savings)


20,000,000 VND

+ Terms of STBH I own

(Disability insurance whole permanently by accident)


20,000,000 VND

+ Terms of STBH individual II (Insurance costs surgery)


20,000,000 VND

To date, the Contract due to the said insurance company, life insurance PT paid to Mr. T. and Mrs. K. STBH of the Agreement for each of the 20,000,000 plus interest to share.

The advice of the Legal HV, Mr. T. and Mrs. K. made application Bao Viet Life PT payment of more STBH own terms I, II reasons for refer in Article 2 point 2.1 Terms Agreement with the record: "To date due to insurance Company will pay for the coverage of the insurance money has been committed in Appendix 1 - Section III of Insurance. "

Fact, suggested by Mrs. K. refer to the above there is no legal basis to do understand this is too rigid, machine direction "the words" without basis to explain how the contract was stipulated in Article 408 of the Civil Code in 1995 (due at the time of signing and implementing the insurance she and Mr. T. K., of the Civil Code in 2005 has not been formed so Bao Viet dismantle civil law in 1995 to like). Reasons as follows:

Firstly, the nature of the contract and I own terms, he II T. and Mrs. K. participated are completely different. The contract is the type of insurance product mixture has just savings insurance (ie the time limit have the validity of the contract if the covered person (NDBH) risks having the entire injury is permanent or fatal the insurance company will pay STBH when and if the due NDBH alive that they will receive STBH). The item I own (disability insurance whole permanently by accident) and individual II (Insurance costs surgery) is a simple insurance product risk (ie risk, only the provisions in the this particular item happens to NDBH the insurance company pay for new insurance under the terms of this particular). This is clearly explained at Article 2 separate articles I, II "amount of insurance the terms is limited to a maximum liability of the insurance company for the consequences of each risk covered happens to be covered. " This is why the number of insurance contracts to the fold many times the number of insurance in its own terms when the STBH.

Second, limited liability company's life insurance PT for purchase insurance, the coverage has been clearly assigned, separated at the benefits of insurance terms and contract terms individual I, II. Accordingly, the insurance company for payment STBH NDBH the contract due only mentioned in Article 2 of the terms of a contract of the individual in terms of I, insurance companies pay only when STBH "NDBH be injury department permanently by accident "(part III) and II own terms when NDBH be operated by illness or accident" (Article 5 Section II). If not risk, accidents during the insurance when due, NDBH not received the amount of this particular item.

Tuesday, signed the Agreement Life Insurance between the insurance company PT and Mr. T., Mrs. K. first is based on the basis of the request is insurance that Mr. Ba have declared. Right at the beginning of the required insurance has noted: "After you learn Terms, The charge by the Ministry of Finance promulgated with Decision No. ..., I agree to participate in the insurance ... and the requirements Coverage is declared full, honest information below. Also at point 2 of Part II (The insurance) required by the insurance Mr. Ba also specifies: STBH of the main terms of STBH I own, STBH terms of individual II. Thus, when shown aspirations to join the insurance, the insurance conditions are Mr., Mrs. clearly assigned, the terms of the contract and the terms of individual I, II has also been explained detailed and specific.

For the reasons above, although Article 2 point 2.1 of the Contract terms have the record: "To date due the insurance company, will pay for the coverage of the insurance money has been committed results in Appendix 1 - Section III of insurance "because the regulations only in terms of the contract (but not in terms of individual I, II) the" full amount of insurance "that he T. and Mrs. K. refer to is all and only the amount of the contract (contract 20000000) can not include STBH by the terms and can not consider this term as "unclear." The interpretation of the general and the life insurance in particular is not merely based on the text of the terms, the benefit to buy insurance that must be explained by the most relevant to the media purpose of the parties when the contract was assigned, the nature, the entire contents of the contract, and in relationship with the other.

Up north in business insurance

BHNT market increasingly difficult, especially when many companies BHNT run, which is attached to the massively recruiting agents, consultants (TVV) of the Company other BHNT. To take market share, maintaining the traditional customers and development of the search for new potential customers became necessary for TVV, especially new TVV. Therefore the search for potential customers to TVV entrant through the relationship of TVV how an issue is very important.

In training "Bao Viet - in business," the source of potential customers are also mentioned quite well. This is a source of customers that you apply a reasonable, flexible source of the potential customers never voi.Tuy course by the new job, can not much experience, communication skills are limited to be the source of potential customers each person can choose for themselves a different approach. For new TVV should focus on the relationship of their society.

+ From the use of relationships to create jobs

When we determined to do BHNT agent is defined for a new job (or a job), so who would like to stabilize their employment dinh.Trong business insurance, job stability means Subsequent to the development of quality and quantity of the contract, and especially not to occur in "fire" in a long time. Whether you work in the position society, do business or "professional agriculture" is also available relations of their society. Cases will be as follows:

For TVV relationship with society broadly: You should develop and use the right of this relationship. This is a source of potential customers easy access, to feel, to understand you and ready to help you, otherwise the advice is not much and can also cost less. In this case, sometimes the impact of the work your current to them is very large so you need to develop their own advantage.

* For TVV limited relations society: You should create the right relationship society through their work at your current or future meet other random. E Do not be afraid to create a new relationship, whether it is someone you should quickly set up the appointment with them, to which you have potential customers or at least they will refer you the relationship of social ho.Vi you have little relationship to society can you say a little, centenarian closed so when you connect you with someone, they feel you are a foot situation, honesty and understanding for you and happy to help you if you want to find potential customers.

Not say: "Your friend is your one" so you should avoid the relationships by creating and relations from the relations available.

+ To use the job to create income

Think for the same job as our agent is BHNT create income for yourself, this is also mentioned in the "Viet Bao - Making of" and your income depends on the results of its own. So first you must understand the nature of professional Agents BHNT always feel the humanity of the profession and promote your work to create income. Relationship of society you are growing your job more and more busy and make sure the quantity is increased and incomes became more attractive.
+ And use income to maintain relationships social

Create a relationship society is difficult, maintaining relationships, but more difficult than using the relationship effectively as more difficult. Therefore, when we have relatively income from their work, do not forget that maintaining the relationships social nay.Viec customer care to maintain the contract is necessary for TVV, and also so that the care in relation to maintenance and continuous development is necessary. You can use part of their income to strengthen and facilitate the relationship society increasingly expanding.

In summary: The "bridging" in the insurance business is how to create relationships society, using the relationship society to create jobs, use the job to create income and income to maintain the relationship society

Mar 8, 2009

Ceremony to launch the Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac

Ceremony to launch the Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac

On 2/3/2009, at the Headquarters of the Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac (Que Vo district, Bac Ninh province) has a long ceremony in the eyes of two members Limited Bảo Việt - Au Lac. At the ceremony, leaders of Planning - Investing in Bac Ninh province awarded the Certificate of business registration; launched the management of the Company Bao Viet - Au Lac and signed a cooperation agreement.

Screen space to each bừng opening the ceremony

On 18/2/2009, Co., two members Bảo Việt - Au Lac has been the Department of Planning and Investment Bac Ninh Certificate of business registration with capital capital capital 60.66 billion, in the percentage of capital contribution by Bao Viet Group and 60% Co. 40% Au Lac.

The delegates attended launch ceremony

Scope of activities of Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac is the training, vocational capital market is still crestfallen by many regions and localities in the country. Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac receiving operation of high-level Nghề Au Lac has been active since 2005 and since 2007 has been on the Department of Viet Nam (Ministry of Transport) assessment and licensing of training, testing the drive from A1, A2 to B1, B2, C, increase class C, D, E. Two years, school training, testing for the thousands who have needs in licensed motorcycle driver and thousands of people need training, license to drive cars. The field of investment, the field testing driving cars equipped with modern technology, grading completely automated, ensuring accurate, objective by law.

Leadership Group and Bao Viet HSBC experts at the ceremony

Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac will continue to develop with the goal to become the top address provided training services to various industries to the economic development - society in the province, Bac Ninh and the neighboring provinces. Therefore, Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac will continue to focus on training, testing the driving motor vehicles - cars, then many more other industries such as car insurance mechanical, test , rescue services, salve, export labor.

Large of guests attended the launch ceremony of Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac

At the launch ceremony of a ceremony to sign a cooperation agreement. Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac has signed cooperation in training drivers to represent Union Office of the National Assembly, representatives of Union Information and Media. Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac has also signed cooperation agreements commercial consulting services to study Economics Company external mouth, Yunnan Province, China and Investment, Technology and Trade Việt Nam.

Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac cooperation with the Union National Assembly Office and Union Ministry of Information and Media

The signing ceremony between Bao Viet Securities Company - with Au Lac Company Economics external mouth (China) and Company Technology Investment and Trade of Vietnam

According to the evaluation, the birth of Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac will contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the Bao Viet Group through of the first strategy as building data centers, centers for disaster, assessment centers, test the vehicle to meet training needs assessor vehicle mechanical and explore sources of potential customers in the field of automobile insurance world, as well as expanded trade promotion name.

Leaders of the Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac photographic memorial to the delegates

Tran Thi Lien - General Director of Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac, said: "The birth Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac is the result of close cooperation with Bao Viet Group. The cooperation will enable the company to learn more managerial experience, market knowledge, systems management and advanced to further develop the training, support services for corporations Privacy Vietnamese as well as implementation responsibilities to the community in the vocational training for workers. "

Tran Thi Lien - General Director of Bao Viet Securities Company - Au Lac speech at the ceremony

Mar 7, 2009

Compare MBF Life Insurance Options

Compare MBF Life Insurance Options

MBF Life offers a range of protection options. This range includes cover for death, serious defined health traumas and permanent and temporary disablement.

Compare our products

The table below compares some of the key features of our range of products. For more details about a specific product, click on the product name within the table. Our useful calculators may help you decide which kind of life insurance suits you, and how much life insurance cover is appropriate to your needs. Once you have chosen the product that best suits your circumstances, its easy to apply online.

Life Insurance

Death by accident
Death by any cause
Terminal Illness
Motor Vehicle Accident Double Benefit
Total and Permanent Disablement
Maximum sum insured
No limit*

*Subject to age and underwriting requirements

Income Protection

For when you are disabled and can't work (or can only work in a reduced capacity) because of injury or illness.

A monthly benefit if you can't work due to illness or injury
Protect up to 75% of your salary
Premiums are generally tax deductible
Unique customer loyalty benefit

These lists are for information only. Please see the relevant Product Disclosure Statement for applicable definitions, conditions and exclusions. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision about a product.

Life insurance is an important tool for business

Talking to life insurance, usually people understand is that the insurance to protect benefits for individuals. Indeed, life insurance, also known as an important tool for enterprises through the type of insurance such as universal coverage for the key, credit insurance, insurance for people slide. Whether a business or a large business must face the problem of. Below refers to the use of life insurance as a solution for a problem.

The owner of a shop devoted all life to build and re-invest most profits and loan funds from a bank to invest in the business. All his work can be meaningless if the business is not valuable to his home. Talented business he helped to develop shops and wife but he can not be maintained if such shops, he may die. Life insurance to help those who inherit receive results from work by him.

Two young people open a store selling medicine and has developed it successfully through the comments feed. Be a sudden death and the other to work with is wife inheritance. So he must do almost everything but only get half the achievements made by you. When an agreement of purchase-selling life insurance to the amount of business will help resolve the dilemma this.

A company limited liability can fall into such a situation, the other is not only a legal solution to the death of a shareholder partners. Once again, agreed to buy back shares by the life insurance can solve this problem.

In any organization, there are people who have key roles for the success of it. That person can be an engineering laboratory, can be a director of sales, also is the administrative manager of the company. The company will be serious loss if these people lose.

Can be effective because of the reduction will react, or reduce credit sales or falling down. Life insurance for the life of these people can be created to reduce the shock of the death of their cause. Companies to participate in the pension insurance for employees.

In business, life insurance really can be useful when both the living and dead. Many cases an organization overcome the time constraints because of the life insurance of directors can ensure very good for a loan from the bank. Moreover, life insurance role increasingly important in the expansion and enforcement retirement for workers, helps business owners attract and retain talent.

Therefore, an agent life insurance is good training will not only consider life insurance as a means of protection for individuals and families but that it has important contribution to the system enterprises in the economic development of the country. If you understand the importance of life insurance enterprises, agents, life insurance will have more opportunities to serve customers and hence can enhance income for yourself.

Life insurance is not only essential for individuals but also the important tool to protect business operations of enterprises.

Solutions for Non-life (P&C) insurance core system

Solutions for Non-life (P&C) insurance core system

Business performance transformation
Data and analytics
Distribution channel management

Life insurance core system
Non-life (P&C) insurance core system
Risk and compliance
Sales and customer service

Variable. Resilient. Responsive.

Customise and optimise the customer value proposition through a wide range of channels, products, customer types and service providers. Establish stable flexible core systems so that you can pursue specific underwriting, policy processing and billing methods on demand. Upgrade legacy environments and overcome the regulatory and competitive hurdles between you and your customers.

Non-life insurance core system offerings

Non-life insurance core system solutions from IBM provide business processes and system capabilities to manage your entire customer life cycle. Our component-based approach enables you to tailor solutions to the needs of your carrier and of multiple operating units within your carrier. IBM specialists can work with your core insurance teams to put together an on demand strategy and leverage value-based core insurance diagnostics to help you get started with transformation.

Modernize your non-life insurance core systems to help you bring product and service innovations to the marketplace quickly. IBM incorporates best-of-breed functionality to enable solutions designed specifically for non-life insurance systems, including the capability to:

* Spot new trends and adjust underwriting rules or propose new coverage to help generate the highest profitability.
* Enable virtual real-time updates so that the current view of the policy and the customer is always available to authorized employees, partners and the customer.
* Develop a variable cost structure to support the ebb and flow of resources required to handle claims.

Non-life insurance core system offerings:

Underwriting solution for property and casualty from IBM
The insurance landscape is changing. With mergers and acquisitions on the rise, insurers need the capabilities to react to growth and improve fundamental cost structure. IBM has the tools to help you obtain a holistic view of your business, enhance performance and rethink your underwriting philosophy.

Solutions for Non-life (P&C) insurance core system

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Life Insurance

Life Insurance
An important part of a sound financial plan, life insurance provides a valuable death benefit to your beneficiaries upon your death. Your beneficiaries can then use this money to replace some of the income you would have earned or to help pay off debts or other expenses.

The two types of life insurance are term and permanent. The one that's right for you depends on many factors, including your budget, the amount of coverage you need, and the length of time you'd like the coverage to last.
Term Life Insurance
Term policies can help meet a wide variety of business and personal needs and often provide the most coverage for your premium dollar for set periods of time. Whether you want to supplement your existing coverage or simply purchase insurance to meet a specific need, our term policies have the flexibility to help meet your needs. Learn more about our products.
Permanent Life Insurance
Permanent policies can provide lifetime protection. There are several different types of permanent policies:
Universal Life Insurance
Universal life insurance can help meet the needs of people who desire long-term death benefit protection with a flexible premium structure. Learn more about our products with a potential to accumulate non-guaranteed tax-deferred cash value.
Variable Life Insurance
Variable life insurance offers a choice of death benefit options and a potential to accumulate non-guaranteed tax-deferred cash value that fluctuates based on the performance of underlying investment options that you choose. Learn more about our products.

> View Variable Life Insurance Prospectus and Performance.
Survivorship Life Insurance
Survivorship (second-to-die) life insurance insures two people and pays the death benefit when both have died. It is used primarily for wealth preservation. Learn more about our product.

Mar 5, 2009

Property Insurance

Property Insurance

Property Insurance

Property Insurance

In today’s dynamic commercial world, business enterprises are constantly faced with new and increasingly complex risks. Commercial Property All Risks Insurance provides a wide variety of protection to cover your business while you enjoy the convenience of having it all in one policy. We offer two choices of Property Insurance:
- Comprehensive Commercial Property All Risks Insurance
- Basic Fire and Special Perils Cover

In addition, you can also add the following cover(s) to your policy:
- A range of Supplementary Coverage(s)
- Business Interruption Cover (for Commercial Property All Risks Insurance only)

Standard cover solutions

Commercial Property All Risks Insurance
Commercial Property All Risks Insurance provides you with comprehensive coverage. Instead of policyholder choosing from the list of perils available for insurance, the “all risks” includes all the perils and accidental physical damage to the property insured, except the risks and damages specified in the policy under “Exclusions”.

Compared with other property insurance, we offer 13 free-of-charge extensions on insurance coverage to the property insured.

You are also entitled to select supplementary coverages to fit your specific operational requirements at an equitable premium cost. You can enjoy the convenience of comprehensive business protection in one policy, plus, you get far more value for money in terms of premium and protection.

Fire and Special Perils
Fire and Special Perils policy covers your property against physical loss or damage caused by specific perils including fire and/or lightning explosion, damage from aircraft, riot, strikers, locked-out workers, earthquake, storm and tempest, malicious damage and other insured perils.

Important notes

1. This document is for your information and the description herein is a general summary only. It does not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies described. Please refer to the Policy wordings for complete details of coverage and exclusions.

2. The availability of coverage is subject to underwriting assessment upon receipt of an application.

3. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and the Vietnamese version of this brochure, you should refer to the Vietnamese version which prevails.

Property Insurance is underwritten by BaoViet Insurance Corporation, hereafter referred as BaoViet (Address: 35 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi, Vietnam). It is not an obligation of, deposit in or guaranteed by HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd.